How to Pack for a Kitchen Remodel
Call it an occupational hazard, but we’re living in our fourth house and we’ve remodeled three of those kitchens.
About the time I get each house totally remodeled, we end up moving. Looking at houses and thinking about remodeling is fun, then it’s a lot of work, and then it’s worth it … in that order. Here’s what I do when it’s time to pack up the kitchen for a remodel.
1) Gather packing supplies – Hit up the mommy groups on Facebook to see if anyone has boxes to pass along, then buy the rest (H&E Moving in Fort Worth sells boxes in set quantities and delivers them to your door). Kitchen stuff is heavy so I don’t recommend the thinner boxes from the home improvement stores.
2) Buy a stash of the “everyday” stuff – Paper plates, cups, plastic utensils, etc. Look inside your dishwasher (or sink). These are the everyday things you’ll need. If you’re replacing counters, you’ll be without a kitchen sink for at least two weeks, and you’re probably not going to wash dishes in your bathroom.
3) Take your “Before” photos – Ideally BEFORE dismantling the kitchen.
4) Pack with purpose – Do one last load in the dishwasher and pack your everyday dishes. Label the box OPEN THIS FIRST. Dishwasher tablets go in here, too. Then move on to your big stuff in big boxes (stand mixer, slow cooker, etc.), medium stuff in medium boxes, and small, heavy stuff (like cookbooks) in small boxes.
5) Label boxes – You’ll thank me later.
6) Pack the stuff that goes together, together – Take things from one drawer and put them in a bag (Ziploc, grocery bag, whatever) so you can easily unpack these together.
8) Get the kids to help – “Help” is, of course, a relative concept here. At least they’ll be entertained for a few minutes while you do some actual packing :)